About Kambo


Call Certified Advanced Kambo Practitioner, John Rozenberg at 323-363-5761 for a Complementary Discovery Session to learn if Kambo is right for you.

What are some of the benefits of working with KAMBO?

Kambo is one of the STRONGEST natural anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, antimicrobial and anesthetic substances found in the WORLD and one of the strongest, natural ways to strengthen the immune system. It also detoxes the liver and the intestines so it’s a POWERFUL cleanser.

Outside of the Amazon, Kambo has been the subject of nearly THREE DECADES of medical research. As with venoms from snakes and scorpions, researchers believe that Kambo will open up a new world of treatments for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Chronic Pain, Cancer, HIV, Parkinson’s Disease, Alzheimer’s, Depression, Vascular problems, Hepatitis, Diabetes, Rheumatism, Arthritis, Addictions and much, much more.

IMMEDIATE and short term effects include enhanced mood, alertness, clarity, focus, energy and increased resistance to stress, tiredness, hunger and thirst. The mind becomes still, you feel lighter and everything becomes easier to manage.

In the longer term, Kambo EMPOWERS the immune system, rousing the body’s defense systems to their natural functions so that existing health problems are improved or resolved and future ones are less likely to occur.

In spiritual terms, Kambo works in a mystical fashion as a light that opens the way, helping us to overcome obstacles and RELEASE BLOCKAGES on an emotional level. It clears our energy field and realigns the chakras enabling us to break negative habits and live and think more naturally.


What Is Kambo?

A true gift from Mother Nature, but besides that Kambo is the secretion of the “Giant Waxy Green Spider Monkey Tree Frog “ (Phyllomedusa Bicolor), which lives in the upper areas of the Amazon rainforest. It has no natural predators – even snakes spit the frog back out if they swallow one. They are found in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Peru, French Guiana, Suriname and Venezuela. The IUCN database lists them in the ‘Least Concern’ category because of their wide distribution and large population. They’re not endangered and Kambo is completely legal pretty much everywhere in the world. The only restriction that exists is in Brazil, where it is forbidden to advertise or market the health benefits of Kambo in order to restrict biopiracy, but it can be offered.

A Kaxinawá legend tells that the Indians of the tribe were very ill and their medicine man (Pajé in Brazil) had done everything that was possible to cure them. All medicinal herbs known were used, but none helped. Under the effect of a sacred plant medicine (Ayahuasca), he entered the forest and whilst there received a visit from the Queen of the Forest. She brought in her hands a frog, from which she took a white secretion, and taught the Pajé how to apply it. Returning to the tribe and following the guidelines that he had received, the Pajé was able to heal his tribe members. From then on he was known as Pajé Kampu. After his death, his spirit lived on in the frog where it continued its mission to protect the health of those who defend the forest. The Indians continue to use its secretion to stay active and healthy. The secretion became known as Kambô but in some tribes it is called Sapo, Kampu or Vacina da Floresta. Its usage spread and it is still used widely amongst indigenous people in the Amazon to this day although the rituals vary from tribe to tribe.

What Is It Used For?

The use of Kambo differs amongst tribes but the main indigenous uses revolve around lifting Panema – an indigenous name for dark or negative energy/ bad luck and for Hunting Magic – they believe it increases their speed and energy during hunting and that it makes the hunter invisible by temporarily eliminating their human odor. They can run faster, longer and eat and sleep less for a period of time. There are many ways they use it medicinally too, including: malaria, snake bites, fevers, infections, fertility problems, to cleanse, detox and strengthen the mind and body, to increase energy, sexual attraction and stamina and to reduce pain. Outside of the forest, Kambo has been the subject of more than two decades of medical research.

As with venoms from snakes and scorpions, researchers believe that Kambo will open up a new world of treatments for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Chronic Pain and Fibromyalgia, Cancer, HIV, Herpes, Parkinson’s Disease, MS, Alzheimer’s, Depression, Anxiety, Blood Pressure and Thyroid Issues (Hashimoto’s for example), Hepatitis, Diabetes, Rheumatism, Lyme Disease, Arthritis, Hormonal Issues, Weight loss, Menopause, Addictions, Emotional/Childhood Trauma, PTSD, several auto-immune conditions and much, much more. Kambo contains dozens of Peptides (short chains of amino acids), some of them bioactive, which means they have an affinity for binding with receptor sites in humans - the body loves them. For those of you who want to do more research, the peptide families represented in Kambo include bradykinins (phyllokinin), tachykinins (phyllomedusin), caerulein, sauvagine, tryptophyllins, dermorphins, deltorphins and bombesins. Recent studies have shown that Kambo contains multiple antimicrobial peptides effective against drug resistant strains of bacteria, fungi, protozoa, parasites and viruses, providing opportunities for the development of new and more efficient nanotechnological-based therapies for treating infectious diseases. Several years of research by the University of Paris have shown Kambô to be effective at killing cancer cells and Queens University in Belfast recently won a prestigious award for their ground breaking work with cancer and Kambo.

Kambo is one of the strongest natural anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, antimicrobial and anesthetic substances found in the world and one of the strongest, natural ways to strengthen the immune system. It is 30-40 times stronger than morphine in its pain-killing properties. It also detoxes the liver and the intestines so it’s a powerful cleanser. Immediate and short-term effects include enhanced mood, alertness, clarity, focus, energy and increased resistance to stress, tiredness, hunger and thirst. The mind becomes still, you feel lighter and everything becomes easier to manage. In the longer term, Kambo empowers the immune system, rousing the body’s defense systems to their natural functions so that existing health problems are improved or resolved and future ones are less likely to occur. In spiritual terms, Kambo works in a mystical fashion as a light that opens the way, helping us to overcome obstacles and release blockages on an emotional level. It clears our energy field and realigns the chakras enabling us to break negative habits and think more naturally.

Despite the billions of pounds/euros and dollars being poured into researching and developing mainstream synthetic medication from Phyllomedusa Bicolour frog secretions, no one has yet managed to reproduce the original! Thankfully you can’t grow the frog in a lab either. It needs its natural habitat and diet. Kambo in its original, natural form is a holistic treatment that works on the mind, body, energy and spirit at all levels in sometimes mystical ways. The Indians are quite right to use the word ‘magic’ when describing this substance, which seems to have a higher intelligence behind it.

How Is Kambo Harvested?

The frogs which are nocturnal and arboreal can be found high up in the trees near the Igarapés (rainforest waterways) where they gather to sing and announce the rain. They are generally harvested at dawn by the indigenous tribes (Matses, Katukina, Kaxinawa, Yawanawa etc) who also sing and imitate the frogs’ song. The frogs climb down voluntarily, are very passive and do not react when picked up. The frogs are carefully tied by each leg with straw strings into an X shape. Sometimes a female tribe member will massage the toes to encourage the secretion, which is then carefully scraped off and dried on small sticks. After it is released the frog returns to its habitat unharmed. The strings leave a tiny white line on each leg, which stops anyone from harvesting the frog again until it has faded which takes at least 3 months. The frog is never harmed but treated with utmost care and respect by the tribes as the Indians believe that to harm the frog will anger the animal spirits that they live so closely with. Kambo collected in this way is considered 100% ethically harvested. We get our Kambo directly from the Matsés tribe in Peru, that is doing a wonderful job taking care of the frog population. That being said, outside of the tribes there’s always people who don’t respect the frogs as much and only think about money. They milk the frogs to exhaustion, and when left without enough secretion to defend themselves, the frogs become vulnerable to predators. We do not support those practices and advise everyone to be very mindful and to always ask where the Kambo comes from, no matter where in the world they’re receiving Kambo, as you’ll be directly connected energetically with the frog(s) that have provided the secretion. So for us it is very important to know that no frog has been harmed in the collection of the Kambo we use.

How is Kambo used?

Kambo should always be taken with a properly trained practitioner administering and supervising the treatments at all times.

Kambo is intense but fast. The unpleasant effects are strong and immediate but mostly over within 10 - 40 minutes. The dried Kambo is mixed with a small amount of water and divided into small dots. Then small points called gates are placed into the surface of the skin. The points are approximately 1/8” across but can be smaller or slightly larger depending on the treatment. The top thin layer of skin is blistered with a hot stick and the skin is peeled off to expose the epidermis underneath – this is the same as when you have a blister and the skin rubs off. There is no blood. The number and position of the points varies from person to person depending on individual needs. If you have a series of treatments in the same session, the same points are reused. The small dots of Kambo are applied to the points. This is the only way to take Kambo – it is not safe to ingest it or introduce it into the blood stream directly. The Kambo enters directly into the Lymphatic System so the effect is very fast. Most people experience a warm to hot flush on the upper body and face along with increased heart rate. At this point, different people will react in different ways. Some will feel dizzy, foggy or spaced out. Some people have swollen lips or face and slight skin tingling. All of that is normal. The Kambo will be racing around your body, scanning it for problems and then going directly to work on those areas. You may experience a throbbing or burning sensation, maybe some pain in those areas for a short while. Doesn’t sound fun, but is a great sign that the Kambo is doing its job and going directly into the blocked areas. Kambo is not psychoactive, so it does not produce hallucinations, but can produce a short altered state of reality in some people and many people receive insights and messages. Then you will purge all the toxins out. This purging process works on a physical and emotional level. You may feel tired at this point and need to rest. Within a short time – usually an hour or so you will feel much better and you can drink and eat normally. After a good night’s sleep you will start to feel the real benefits. For some people that might take 2-3 days and they might need some extra sleep until then. (Kambo always brings you what you need, not what you want ;-)

The burn marks will heal and fade with time, but depending on your skin color and type you may always have small visible scars. Most people see their Kambo scars as a badge of honor. The same points can be reused after approximately 3 months. After the dots of Kambo are removed, the points are dressed with Sangre de’ Drago (Dragon’s Blood), a Peruvian tree sap. This helps them to heal faster, scar less and ensures they stay free from infection until they scab naturally within a day or so. Please don’t use any soap on the burn marks until a day or two after the treatment. Try to keep the burn marks as dry as possible. (if you’re sweating for example) And don’t use a Jacuzzi for a day or two. If you experience unusual redness or itching, applying more Sangre de Drago always helps.


Kambo has no known damaging side effects, so when it is responsibly administered it is completely safe. However, there are very few people who cannot take it.

Treatment can NOT be given to:

- Under 18 year olds
- Pregnant or breastfeeding women with babies under 6 months old
- People with serious heart problems (bypass, enlarged heart) (stents or arrhythmia are fine) - People taking medication for very low blood pressure (high blood pressure medication is fine, non-medicated low blood pressure is fine)
- People who’ve had a stroke, brain damage or brain hemorrhage
- People who’ve had aneurisms or blood clots
- People with serious mental health problems (depression, anxiety, PTSD are fine, please inform us about all other conditions, participation will be decided case by case!)
- People undergoing chemotherapy and for 4-6 weeks afterwards
- People suffering from severe epilepsy (Not contra-indicated if epilepsy is mild, was in childhood or a long time ago, but please inform me about it and we’ll decide case by case)
- People suffering from Addison’s disease
- People who take immune-suppressants for an organ transplant.
- People who lack the mental capacity to make a decision to take Kambo

Do not fast (water-fast) 7 days before or after Kambo!!! You need the nutrients. If you’ve done a water fast but have been eating normally for a few days you’re good to go. Be mindful with juice cleanses as well, depending on the type you do. But you do need to fast for 8-12 hours before taking Kambo. (Most of the time that means skipping breakfast ;-) Meaning, come on an empty stomach and don’t eat at least 8hrs before your treatment.

Colonics, enemas and sweat lodges should be avoided 3 days before and after Kambo. Bikram Yoga instructors should also avoid teaching too many classes the day(s) before to make sure they’re good on electrolytes.
Please let me know if you’re taking any slimming or sleeping supplements, Serotonin or 5HTP. Staying off them for 4-5 days before Kambo is advised.

Caution also if you’re taking immune-suppressants for auto- immune disorders, GABA or blood thinners.

It is perfectly safe to take Kambo before and after Ayahuasca ceremonies. Also before planning to take Buffo alvarius. (The Toad)
But it is not safe to receive it for up to 4- 6 weeks after Buffo (it can send you off into another bufo experience with dangerous blood pressure drops) and please wait 3 months after Iboga. (Ibogaine is a different story, Kambo can be taken a few days after Ibogaine, but please ask when in doubt and let us know how long ago you received any of these medicines). In case you had a surgery it’s best to wait 6-8 weeks before Kambo or until everything is healed.

Caution with kidney or gallbladder stones (it can get very painful if they move) Please inform and we’ll decide case by case.

If you are menstruating at the time of treatment, Kambo may well cause the flow to increase for 24- 36 hours because it contains powerful vasodilators and you might experience slight additional cramping (rare) if you take it in the first two days. But it’s absolutely fine to take it as your body is already set to release on those special days. If you are asthmatic ensure that you have your inhaler with you. If you are diabetic let me know in advance.

You must inform me if you have ever or are currently suffering from a mental health condition, regardless of whether or not you are taking medication. If you’re on regular anti-depressants, just don’t take them on the evening before having Kambo the next day. You can take them right after the treatment. Other medication has different time frames, so please let me know what you’re taking for any condition, not just mental health.

In most cases it is usually completely safe for you to continue taking your normal medication but we need to discuss this beforehand.

On the other hand you might feel invincible for a few days after Kambo, but please don’t just stop taking anti-depressants or other medication cold turkey, no matter how good you feel. That will backfire. There is a way of weaning off anti-depressants and other medication safely with Kambo, and under the supervision of your doctor, but it’s a certain protocol that has to be followed with specific treatment intervals. If you’re interested in getting off the meds for good, we can develop a treatment plan specifically for you. In all other cases, take anti-depressants “after” the ceremony, so they don’t get flushed out.

If you’re on contraceptives, please keep in mind that they might not be effective if you purge them out. So take them after the treatment or use extra caution that month!

With some health conditions Kambo makes the symptoms flare up in the days after the treatment. Few people might also get a slight fever, cold like symptoms or diarrhea for a day or two. No need to worry! It’s your body and immune system resetting. Sometimes things have to get a little worse, before they get better. This is called the Herxheimer reaction. If you have Lyme’s disease for example be prepared to herx. That means that sometimes those undesired symptoms might surface for a few days before they get better or disappear. That’s not only the case with physical symptoms but also with emotions that can be brought up to the surface. Sadness, anger, loneliness etc. If you’re trying to work on your anger issues for example, you might get angrier than ever for a few days to flush that out. (So please warn your roommates or partner ;-) It can happen with any symptom or emotion. What you originally came to get rid of, might be enhanced for a few days. So be prepared and don’t be worried. It’s all worth it and part of the process. Just trust the frog! It works in mysterious ways bringing things to light and will eventually restore balance. Kambo reveals and then sets things straight sooner or later!

In any case, please inform me if the symptoms persist unexpectedly long or if you’re vomiting more than a few hours after the treatment.

If you’re booking a private treatment and have a pet, please make sure you have a sitter or the pet can stay in another room alone without distracting you. 
Also, please make sure there are no smoke detectors right above where you plan to have your treatment, as the sage smoke might activate them (not fun during ceremony ;-)

Who Will Be Doing Your Treatment or Running The Circle?

John Rozenberg is an Advanced Kambo practitioner, certified by both Kambo International and IAKP. His strength is precise intuition and presence in the way he holds space. He uses the knowledge of several traditions in his work, both ancient and modern. He approaches his work in a totally unique fashion; he is a clairsentient who literally “feels” what others feel. His gift enables him to guide people intuitively into the blocks that prevent them from realizing their life dreams and then he uses several different modalities to break through the barriers.
Skilled in both modern and ancient techniques, John gently guides you to a higher level of consciousness and supports you in following your own path to a healthier, more balanced you.

First timers:

All first time users will be tested for sensitivity before treatments. You will get a test point and we’ll watch carefully how your body reacts. This is a good time to commune with the medicine, connect and let it enter your body without any fear. We also call the test point “bliss point”, as it might actually feel quite nice. Your reaction along with the practitioner’s experience, intuition and connection with the spirit of the Kambo will determine the eventual number of points you’ll receive in total. There is no set number – everyone is treated individually.

And Finally...

There will be time to discuss further, ask questions and set intentions at the beginning of the ceremony. If you have specific health problems then you may wish to discuss these privately beforehand. If you have serious health issues, you may benefit from more intensive treatments.

Kambo can be taken as a single or double treatment, or as an intensive treatment spread over several days and weeks, or a really deep cleanse, which is three treatments in three hours. The famous Warrior Initiation.

In some traditions, Kambo is also taken as a vaccine and is administered as 3 treatments over one moon cycle (28 days). The famous vacina da floresta/ inoculation. The most effective way to take Kambo when you’re doing it for the first time seems to be taking the medicine 3 days in a row as resistance drops and you go deeper and deeper each time as your body and mind are already in release mode. If that’s not possible, 3 times in a moon cycle is the way to go. Then you can refresh every few months or once a year depending on your health status and needs.

People ask for the Warrior Initiation (3 times within 3 hours), when they’re in need of a major breakthrough or life transformation, when a difficult decision needs to be made, when the health condition they want to treat would hugely benefit from this big blast of Kambo, or as a right of passage. The more treatments you have, the deeper this process and the purge goes. Some people will need several sessions to fully feel the benefit or be ready to release and let go of the deep stuff, but rest assured, everyone will benefit from a single session. When in doubt about how often you should use Kambo, just listen to your body, it will tell you if you’re ready to receive more or if you should wait and integrate.

Warrior Initiations can NOT be given to first-timers.

Every health condition has a different protocol. Lyme disease will benefit the most out of several days of Kambo in a row as soon after the tick bite as possible, whereas depression or fertility treatments need different intervals.

Ceremonies are held in sacred spaces throughout the world, or in the privacy of your own home. Your home is transformed into a ceremony space and will benefit from a simultaneous energy clearing.


A portion of all proceeds goes directly to the Matses tribe in Peru. The International Association of Kambo Practitioners (of which John is a member) helps the tribe with many different needs such as school supplies for the kids, protein supplements for many kids with malnutrition, and medical support.
They also benefit from us buying the Kambo from them, which encourages the young tribe members, sometimes entire families to learn from the elders how to find the frogs and collect the secretion, and to prepare rapé, sananga, bechete, etc. It helps preserve the knowledge and wisdom about the numerous plant and animal medicines of the rainforest that otherwise would be lost, and it also prevents the men from having to leave tribal land to find work in Iquitos and leave their families behind, as it’s getting harder and harder to live off of the jungle.