What’s next?

Why do we humans seem to always live into what’s next? We do it in almost everything we do. If we’re not anticipating what’s next, we’re dwelling on what was.  

What about what’s Now?   

We spend so much of our time worrying about the future (what’s next) or dwelling on the past (what was) that we are rarely present to the present, present to what’s Now.  

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Now is all we really have. The future is all just a story that we make up, and the past is stories that we’ve made up about what happened. It’s all just a series of stories – none of it is real. The only thing that is real is right now, this moment, and even that is flowing through the filter of all our stories. We’re making up stories about everything.  

This is not to say that we shouldn’t make plans. In today’s world where most of us have jobs, family and so many other obligations to fulfill, we have to set goals and make plans. If we didn’t, we probably wouldn’t be considered “productive members of society.” So it’s only natural that we would plan for the future. So here we are again…  

What’s next? 

Every time we answer that question, it leads us back to the same question. What’s next? The only possible answer is Now. Now is what’s next, and then now and now and now. 

Be present to now and allow what’s next to reveal itself naturally. 

You contemplate that while I go to work on whatever comes next… J 




Dare to Dream